Social Posts Showing Research on Product Efficiency

Post One: Pain Management

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Did you know cupping therapy can help relieve pain? Research shows that cupping can help relieve tight muscles and stagnant joints among many other benefits as well. And, cupping is a non-invasive, non-intrusive pain management technique that professional athletes like Michael Phelps are turning to enhance recovery , so are you ready to give it a try?


#cuppingtherapy #painmanagement #bellabaci #alternativetherapies

Post Two: Acne Treatment/Facial

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Are you looking for an acne treatment? Have you tried cupping?Research from the The National Center for Biotechnology Information (@ncbi.nlm) suggests that facial cupping may help those dealing with acne. In fact, facial massage (in general) can be implemented to reduce the appearance of scars and may improve the skins overall elasticity. 


#acnetreatment #facialcupping#bellabaci 

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